Alice in Wonderland March 5,2010
I was excited this morning when I came across this post in usa today. I'll be looking forward to seeing this film once I actually go see Where The Wild things are. Tim Burton is an amazing director I didn't go see coraline, but the nightmare before christmas will never die, Johnny Depp is in the film also I LOVE JOHNNY! :). To bad the flick isn't coming out for like a whole year almost.....i'm really looking forward to it though.
Coraline wasn't all that great imo. Nothing will top A Nightmare Before Christmas, or Edward Scissorhands (even though that movie freaks me out). This movie is probably going to be amazing, due to the fact you have to be crazy to direct a film like this, and Tim Burton fits the description needed. I doubt any other director could pull a film like this off.
yeah i wish coraline wouldve been better. but thnks for exciting me more than i need to be at 10 in the a.m, kendra hehe. Tim Burtons an animal though. i cannot wait!
jive, what freaks you out abt Eddie Scissors?
Well I guess I'm glad I didn't spend money on an overpriced ticket to see coraline. I was talking to a man that came into my store he doesn't think anything is gunna top NMBC. He had on a jack tee and I had on a jack ring ;).
There's nothing wrong w. 10 a.m. excitement dai
The beginning and ending of Edward Scissorhands was really dark. The music, the emotion, the surroundings. I was pretty young when I first watched the movie, and it just freaked me out. I didn't like the way the father died in the beginning. Or how after he died, the factory/house was at a complete standstill, collecting dust; leaving a "doll" with scissorhands living in the attic, looking over a town full of people. At the end it goes right back to the way it was in the beginning, except it snows. The girl is now old, telling the story to her grand daughter that's laying in a HUGE bed, in a dark room. It snowing heavy, and you KNOW it's only snowing because of Edward. Then it shows how Edward hasn't even changed. He's still young. The garden is lush and green, yet it's still dim and dark. If you think about all of those details, and you take out the comedy and love, its a pretty dark, weird, scary film.
The things you do......
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